Le blé européen en légère hausse,
le maïs reste stable
(”European wheat is slightly up, corn remains stable”)
Performative dinner
with Cedric Mazet Zaccardelli
at Galerie Sept Elzévir
curated by Leslie Veisse
Photo/video Rebekka Deubner
le maïs reste stable
(”European wheat is slightly up, corn remains stable”)
Performative dinner
with Cedric Mazet Zaccardelli
at Galerie Sept Elzévir
curated by Leslie Veisse
Photo/video Rebekka Deubner
“Slight increase in the price of European wheat, corn remains stable" reflects on the economic tax and more largely on property; what we think is ours, and what we accept to share.
This performative dinner is an assessment of the impact of cutting in the service of a meal, and the economic qualification of the food. Its title is a reference to the Economic value of wheat and corn in November 2019.
Questions of division, growth, value and property come to life in the choice of ingredients, the cooking process and the service.
In the interest of profitability, the dinner has been produced twice identically.

Beet in a cornbread crust, shizo butter
Cutting tool: classic large blade knife
Burrata execution on corn cream with smoked paprika
Cutting tool: paring knife
¼ lamb cooked for 7 hours, stuffed with three sisters: corn, beans, squash
Cutting tool: tablespoon
Cutting tool: spring water
Chocolate and sage tart, whipped cream infused with corn
Cutting tool : metal circle