En grattant la terre j’ai trouvé mon empreinte
performative dinner
with Tiphaine Calmettes
at Paris Art Lab, saison “Mange ta main”
curated by Leslie Veisse
Photo/video Rebekka Deubner
performative dinner
with Tiphaine Calmettes
at Paris Art Lab, saison “Mange ta main”
curated by Leslie Veisse
Photo/video Rebekka Deubner
En grattant la terre j’ai trouvé mon empreinte (« While scraping the earth I found my own print ») is a seven course dinner, narrating questions about our relationship to hunger, to consumption, and the act of “going for the food”. With physical tools (the hands, the nails) and manufactured tools (glazed and unglazed ceramics), the guest is invited to involve his or her body and soul in this act of eating, and sometimes by imitating gestures initiated by the artists.

To scratch with the nails
Raw cocoa, wild rucola, salt
To aspire with the mouth
Flambeed razorsheels with Mezcal
To seize with the teeth
Veal carpaccio, pickled red onion
To tear with the two hands
Root vegetables, cooked in bread crust
To lick in the palm
Fontainebleau (fresh cheese) with honey
To drink
Infusion curcuma et fenouil
À attraper du bouts des doigts
Brioche soaked in Mezcal syrup and filled with cherries